Get notified about usage charges

Learn about the alerts for monitoring usage charges and where to update the email for important notifications.

You can monitor your usage charges with Telzio in your monthly statements under Billing. Receipts are generated after each deposit, and monthly statements are available at the start of each month. Deposit receipts are also emailed.

Important email notifications you'll receive about your usage:

  • Plan Renewal Reminder- Sent when auto recharge is disabled, and a plan is set to renew in 3 days and the current account balance is not enough to cover the cost of the plan.
  • Low Account Balance - Sent when your Telzio account balance is below $10 and you have auto-recharge disabled.
  • Inactive Phone Numbers - Sent when your Telzio account balance drops below $0 to alert you that your numbers are currently inactive. Once a deposit has been made to bring the balance above $0, the numbers will be automatically reactivated. If the balance stays below $0 for longer than 14 days, the numbers will be cancelled.
  • Overages - Sent if you are on a prepaid plan and your usage reaches 90% of your included minutes.

You can update the email address used for usage notifications under Account Settings.