Autoprovision Grandstream IP phones

How to automatically provision your Grandstream devices with Telzio.

Telzio's auto-provisioning service enables you to automatically configure Grandstream IP phones remotely from the Telzio Dashboard.

How Grandstream autoprovisioning works

The first time you connect a Grandstream IP phone to the internet, it will attempt to contact Grandstreams auto-provisioning service to find out if they have any provisioning details available.

If the phone has been registered with Grandstream and associated with a Telzio account, the phone will automatically receive information about how to connect to Telzio's auto-provisioning service and attempt to pull a configuration profile.

When connecting to Telzio's auto-provisioning service, it will provide a set of credentials which were automatically created when the device was initially added on the Telzio dashboard, and Telzio will then provide settings for the phone.

Any time the phone reboots in the future, it will automatically contact Telzio's service to receive a fresh configuration, until the phone is factory reset.

How to autoprovision Grandstream IP phones

This feature requires that you are logged in as an Account Owner, Administrator or a user with permission to manage devices.

  1. Log in to your Telzio account and navigate to Devices.
  2. Click New Device at the top right corner of the page.
  3. Give your device a name and enter it's unique MAC address. The MAC address can be found on a label on the back of the phone, and is unique to each device.
  4. Select Grandstream as the device brand and select the model of the phone.
  5. Finally, select which user you want to configure for the phone and optionally a device group.
  6. Click Add Device.
  7. Telzio will now attempt to add the phone to Grandstream's auto provisioning service. If this is successful, you can now reboot the phone and it should receive a fresh configuration automatically.
  8. If the phone has been used before, now is also a good time to perform a factory reset of the phone.