Single sign-on with Microsoft Entra ID and Telzio

Enable single sign-on for your team and let them sign in to Telzio with their existing Entra ID credentials, while boosting your security posture.

Telzio's integration with Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory), lets you take advantage of Single Sign-On (SSO) capabilities. This feature streamlines the login process, allowing your team to access your company's Telzio account using their existing Entra ID credentials. Experience enhanced security and easier user management, all within an ecosystem you're already using. This article will guide you through the setup process, step-by-step.

Before you begin

There are a few important things to notice before you activate this integration.

  • Only the Acount Owner of your Telzio account can activate this integration.
  • The user enabling the integration, must also be Global Administrator or Application Administrator of your Entra tenant.
  • All users must have the following fields populated in their user profiles in Entra ID:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Email (The email field is separate from the User Principal Name which may also contain an email address)

Getting started

Follow these simple steps to activate the Entra ID integration on your Telzio account.

  1. Sign into Telzio as the Account Owner.
  2. Select Integrations from the main menu of your Telzio dashboard.
  3. Click on Azure AD from the list of available integrations, and click Install.
  4. Entra ID Integration
  5. Enable Integration Enabled and Just-In-Time User Provisioning, then press Save Changes.
  6. Entra ID settings
  7. You will then be redirected to Microsoft Entra ID, where you will be asked to grant access to your users to sign in to Telzio with Entra ID. Check the box next to Consent on behalf of your organization, to let other users than just yourself use this integration.
  8. Entra ID Admin Consent

Assigning users

You must specify which users are allowed to log into Telzio with their Entra ID credentials. You can assign individual users or entire user groups.

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft Entra ID portal, and select Enterprise Applications from the menu.
  2. Select Telzio on the list of your installed apps, then select Users and groups from the menu.
  3. Click on Add user/group and select which users or groups should have access to Telzio, then click Save.

It can take up to 20 minutes for your changes to take effect. Grab a donut and a cup of coffee while you wait - you deserve it!

Signing in with Entra ID

Users who have been granted access to sign in with Entra ID can do so by clicking on the Telzio tile on the Microsoft 365 My Apps page, from, or how they otherwise prefer to access SSO enabled apps.

You cannot initiate your SSO sign-in from the Telzio website yet.