Add a new user to your Telzio account

How to add users and extensions to Telzio, and enable people to call and message with the mobile app and dashboard from any location.

Your Telzio account comes with unlimited users so that anyone within your organization can make and receive calls. Through the dashboard you have the ability to add, remove, and make changes to your user list.

Add a user

  1. Navigate to Users on your Telzio Dashboard
  2. Click on New User in the top right corner of the page
  3. Complete the details for the new user including a unique username, a valid email, and their first and last name (usernames cannot be changed)
  4. Select the Outbound Phone Number that the user will dial out from
  5. Create an extension between 3 to 6 digits (optional)
  6. Grant User Permissions by selecting from the options in the drop down list
  7. Add the user to Group(s) by selecting from the options in the drop down list
  8. Select Create User to add the user