Update your voicemail greeting

How to create a custom voicemail greeting with Telzio by recording from your phone, uploading a file, or generating one using our text-to-speech tool.

When you first get started, your Telzio voicemail comes with a standard default greeting. You can change your voicemail greeting from the app, the dashboard, and your desk phone.

Change your voicemail greeting from the app

  1. Navigate to Menu > Preferences > Voicemail
  2. Press play to hear the current greeting
  3. Select one of the following options to create your voicemail greeting:
    • Audio Recording - record directly from your phone
    • Type Greeting - generate a greeting using our text-to-speech tool
    • Upload Audio File - record with a different app and upload it here

Change your voicemail greeting from the dashboard

  1. Navigate to the upper right corner of the Telzio Dashboard
  2. Click on the down arrow by your name
  3. Click User Settings
  4. Scroll down to Voicemail Greeting
  5. Select from the following options:
    • Press Record to record through your phone's microphone
    • Click Upload to upload an audio file from your computer
    • Select Type to generate a greeting with one of our AI voices
  6. Press Play to hear the greeting
  7. Press Update Greeting to save the greeting
  8. Using Type to update your voicemail greeting

Change your voicemail greeting from your desk phone

  1. Press the voiecmail icon or dial * 98 from your phone
  2. Press 3 to get to your voicemail greeting
  3. From there, you can:
    • 1 to record a personal greeting
    • 2 to listen to your current greeting
    • 0 to return to the main menu