Assign user permissions

How to grant users permissions with Telzio, and grant access to users to manage specific parts of your phone service from billing to other users.

You have the ability to grant permissions for your Users on a granular level, rather than giving a user complete administrator access you can select certain elements of your Telzio Dashboard to be accessible on an administrative level.

To grant specific permissions for your users:

  1. Navigate to Users on your Telzio Dashboard
  2. Click on the user
  3. Mark the permissions from the drop down list
  4. Click Update Details

Account Settings

This allows the user to make changes to your account as a whole, and should be reserved for authorized administrators only.


The user will have access to the Analytics section of the Dashboard tab which provides data on call metrics.


Allows the user to view and make changes to billing details and payment methods.

Call Flows

Allows the user to view and make changes to all Call Flows.

Call Logs

Allows the user to see all call logs for all users. If you leave this permission unchecked they will still have visibility to their own logs by default.

Call Monitoring

Allows the user to monitor live calls of all other users.

Call Recordings

Allows the user to view and listen to all call recordings. If you leave this permission unchecked they will still have visibility to their own call recordings by default.


This allows the user access and ability to make changes to any of your integrations for your account.

Live Reports

Users with this permission can view the live call data on the Live Reports tab for any of your queues.

No Answer Settings

This allows the user to determine where their calls go if they do not answer their direct extension.

Plans & Numbers

Users with this permission can make changes to your Plans & Numbers.


If you have queues, users with this permission can make changes to user availability under Queues.


Provides the user with visibility of all text messages on the account for all users. If you leave this permission unchecked they will still have visibility to their own SMS by default.


Enables the user to add, edit, and remove users on your account.