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Diana Chu

November 23, 2014

New Feature: Call Flow ID in Voicemail Notifications

We've added a new feature so that now when you receive an email notification with a new voicemail, you can also see the name of the Call Flow where the voicemail was left. This is helpful if you have multiple lines for different purposes and you need to track where the call came from.

We’ve added a new feature so that now when you receive an email notification with a new voicemail, you can also see the name of the Call Flow where the voicemail was left. This is helpful if you have multiple lines for different purposes and you need to track where the call came from. You can receive voicemails as an attachment or a link.

For example, Cookie’s Cupcakes is a bakery where customers can order custom-made desserts. They have a dedicated line for placing orders, so when a voicemail is received for a new order, the owner is able to quickly identify and respond to that message.

To rename a Call Flow, open the Call Flow in the editor and click on the existing name to make it editable.