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E911 Calling

Specify physical addresses for emergency calling on company and employee phone numbers, so responders have the registered location of the caller in advance.

411 Directory Listing

About E911 emergency service

A simple way to be prepared

Telzio's E911 service enables you to register a specific physical address with each of your phone numbers, so that emergency dispatchers know where the call is coming from.

Register different addresses for remote teams and distributed offices before an emergency happens, and enable employees to dial 911 from their internet-connected Telzio device.

Distributed locations

Register a different address for each phone number.


Call from your internet-based Telzio phone service.

Use any device

Dial from desk phones, the mobile app, or the webphone.

Easy to update

Update addresses right through the dashboard.

How it works

Enhanced 911 services

E911 services can be customized through your Telzio Dashboard for each of your phone numbers. You can port existing landline and VoIP numbers to Telzio and update the 911 address locations as needed.


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