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Voicemail Transcription

Save time with voicemail-to-text transcription. Get voicemail transcriptions delivered by email to one or multiple people. View transcriptions and listen to messages from anywhere.

About voicemail transcription

Voicemail to email

Telzio converts your voicemail messages to text so you can both read and listen to your voicemails. Access both the audio and the transcription on the dashboard and by email.

Enable teams to manage direct and company voicemail transcriptions from any location and device.

Queue overview in Telzio's mobile app.


Quickly read voicemails and listen to the audio if needed.

Efficient voicemail management

Save time on listening to voicemail messages.

Voicemail to email

Receive voicemails conveniently by email.

Shared voicemail

Work on voicemails with other team members.

How it works

Automatic transcription of voicemail messages

Our speech recognition technology converts voicemail messages to text, so you can quickly read them on any device. Get access to both the transcription and the audio by email and on the dashboard, and use our collaboration tools to manage company voicemails between team members.



Is there an additional cost for voicemail transcription?

No. Voicemail transcription and storage is included.

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100+ features included from day one

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