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Voicemail to Email

Telzio makes it easy to manage messages from any device with voicemail to email. Transcription and audio included.

About voicemail to email

Modern voicemail solutions

With a cloud phone system from Telzio, you can manage voicemails in your email inbox, on phones, and through our dashboard. We provide flexible solutions for professionals to quickly check and act on voicemails.

With voicemail to email, users get instant visibility to ensure important voicemails are being promptly returned.

Queue overview in Telzio's mobile app.


Make sure important voicemails get noticed immediately.


Get voicemails transcribed as text and delivered by email.

Mobile friendly

Check voicemail messages from any location and device.

How it works

How to receive voicemail messages by email

Telzio provides the option for you to route voicemails to email, as well as the ability to manage messages on the dashboard.

You can set up company voicemail messages to be delivered to users and groups, and enable them to check messages from any location and device.



Can I forward voicemail messages to a group?

Yes. You can forward voicemail messages to an email, a user, or a group.

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