Understanding 10DLC use case rejections and how to resolve them.

This guide provides detailed explanations and solutions for common rejection reasons to help you successfully resubmit your application.

601: Use Case Attributes Mismatch

Use case attributes do not match website or sample message content.


Please ensure that the attributes you've selected accurately reflect your message content and website.


If your sample messages include links but you selected "No" for "embedded links," please change it to "Yes" and resubmit your use case.

602: Use Case Mismatch

Inaccurate registration with inconsistencies between sample messages and use case.


Make sure the selected use case aligns with your sample messages.


If you chose "Charity" as your use case but your messages are about appointment reminders, you need to either update your sample messages or select a use case that matches the content you're sending.

603: Inconsistent Registration

Inconsistency between website, brand name, or sample messages.


Ensure that your website, sample messages, and brand name are all consistent and relate to the same business.


If your brand name is "ABC Physicians" but your sample messages are about clothing sales, the use case will be rejected. Align all details to represent the same entity.

701: Prohibited Content - Cannabis

Use case contains prohibited content: Cannabis.


Do not resubmit. Content related to cannabis, hemp, or CBD is not allowed over 10DLC. This includes any references on your website.

702: Prohibited Content - Guns/Ammunition Without Proper Age Verification

Use case contains prohibited content: Guns/ammunition without proper age verification.


Please implement proper age verification on your website before resubmitting.

Best Practice

Require users to manually enter their date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY) before accessing content related to firearms. Your website will be reviewed for age gating.

703: Prohibited Content - Explicit Sexual Material

Use case contains prohibited content: Explicit sexual material.


Do not resubmit. Explicit sexual content is not allowed over 10DLC, and related use cases will be rejected.

704: Prohibited Content - Gambling

Use case contains prohibited content: Gambling.


Do not resubmit. Gambling content is not allowed over 10DLC, and related use cases will be rejected.

705: Prohibited Content - Hate Speech

Use case contains prohibited content: Hate speech.


Do not resubmit. Hate speech is not allowed over 10DLC, and related use cases will be rejected.

706: Prohibited Content - Alcohol Without Proper Age Verification

Use case contains prohibited content: Alcohol without proper age verification.


Please implement proper age verification on your website before resubmitting.

Best Practice

Require users to manually enter their date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY) before accessing content related to alcohol. Your website will be reviewed for age gating.

707: Prohibited Content - Tobacco/Vape Without Proper Age Verification

Use case contains prohibited content: Tobacco/vape without proper age verification.


Please implement proper age verification on your website before resubmitting.

Best Practice

Require users to manually enter their date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY) before accessing content related to tobacco or vaping. Your website will be reviewed for age gating.

708: Prohibited Content - Lead Generation or Affiliate Marketing

Use case contains prohibited content: Lead generation or affiliate marketing.


Do not resubmit. Lead generation and affiliate marketing content are not allowed over 10DLC, and related use cases will be rejected.

709: Prohibited Content - High-Risk Financial Services

Use case contains prohibited content: High-risk financial services.


Do not resubmit. High-risk financial services content is not allowed over 10DLC, and related use cases will be rejected.

710: Reseller or Non-Compliant KYC Information

Reseller information used instead of brand; KYC details are non-compliant.


Ensure that the brand information reflects the actual message sender. The EIN and company details should be yours as the message sender, not a reseller or agency.


If you are a doctor's office sending appointment reminders, the brand should be your medical practice, not the software provider or reseller.

711: Duplicate EIN

Repeated use of the same EIN for multiple different brands.


Only register one brand per EIN. Please update the brand information to reflect the actual sender, ensuring the EIN is unique and not used for other brands.

712: Misleading Registration

Use case appears to be direct lending but appropriate content attribute not selected.


Please create a new use case and select "Direct lending or loan arrangement" under use case and content attributes.

These fields cannot be edited in existing use cases.


If your messages involve loan qualifications, you must indicate this in your use case. For instance, if your sample message asks for personal information to qualify for a loan, select the appropriate attributes.

713: Suspicious Email Domain

Large company appears to have an unofficial email domain.


Please provide an official company email address. If your business is well-known, the email domain should match your company's website.


A large bank should use an email like jsmith@abcbank.com, not a personal email like jsmith@gmail.com.

714: Invalid Opt-In Method

Permission to text users via court order does not meet carrier guidelines.


If possible, obtain user opt-in through a compliant method (e.g., explicit consent).

If you cannot, please do not resubmit, as the opt-in method will not be accepted.

803: Missing Opt-In Language

Opt-in language is required on the website where mobile numbers are collected.


Your website must include clear opt-in language where customers enter their phone numbers. Add a checkbox or statement near the phone number field indicating that users agree to receive text messages.


"By entering your phone number, you agree to receive SMS notifications from [Your Company]."

Ensure that: This language is visible and requires user action (e.g., checking a box).

804: Incomplete Call to Action Information

Unable to verify opt-in method; needs working website or detailed CTA if opt-in occurs elsewhere.


Your application lacks sufficient Call to Action (CTA) information detailing how users opt in to receive messages.

Provide a working website link where users can opt in. If opt-in occurs outside of a website (e.g., in-person or via text), provide a detailed description of the process.

CTA Requirements

  • Opt-in must be explicit and cannot be implied.
  • Users must understand they are agreeing to receive messages from you.
  • Include examples or scripts of how consent is obtained.


  • Website Opt-In Users visit your website, enter their phone number, and check a box agreeing to receive messages.
  • Keyword Texting Users text a keyword like "START" to your number to subscribe.
  • In-Person Consent Customers sign a form in-store agreeing to receive messages.

For detailed guidance and examples, please refer to our 10DLC Registration Best Practices Guide.

805: Non-Compliant Privacy Policy

A compliant privacy policy is required on your website.


Your website must include a privacy policy that is easily accessible to users.

  • Add a privacy policy that complies with industry standards.
  • Ensure it's easily accessible and linked appropriately.
  • Avoid sharing user data with third parties without explicit consent.

Per CTIA guidelines, your privacy policy should:

  • Be accessible from your website footer and during the opt-in process.
  • Clearly explain how user data is collected, used, and protected.
  • State whether you share user data with third parties.

Common Issues Leading to Rejection

  • No privacy policy present on your website.
  • Privacy policy is hard to find.
  • Policy includes non-compliant practices (e.g., sharing data without consent).

Example Privacy Policy Element

  • Data Collection: Describe what information you collect.
  • Data Use: Explain how you use the collected information.
  • Data Sharing: State if and how you share information with third parties.
  • User Rights: Provide information on how users can access or delete their data.

For assistance, consider consulting legal counsel or reviewing privacy policy templates that adhere to relevant laws and regulations.

806: Inaccurate Call to Action Information

CTA is inaccurate or missing; unable to verify opt-in method.


Your application needs a clear and accurate Call to Action (CTA) that explains how users opt in to receive your messages.

  • Describe the Opt-In Process: Provide a detailed explanation of how users give consent.
  • Ensure Opt-In is Explicit: Users must take a clear action indicating their consent (e.g., checking a box).
  • Align CTA with Sample Messages: The opt-in method described should match how you actually collect consent.

Common Problems

  • CTA does not specify where or how opt-in occurs.
  • Website lacks a phone number field or opt-in checkbox.
  • Opt-in is implied rather than explicit.

Examples of Acceptable Opt-In Methods

  • Website Opt-In: Users enter their phone number on your site and check a box agreeing to receive messages.
    • Example Checkbox Text: "I agree to receive promotional text messages from [Your Company]."
  • SMS Keyword Opt-In: Users text a keyword like "JOIN" to your number to subscribe.
  • In-Person Consent: Customers sign a form or provide verbal consent during a transaction.
**Important Notes:** - Opt-in methods must not be hidden in terms and conditions. - Opt-in cannot be shared or obtained from third parties.

For more detailed guidance and examples, please refer to our 10DLC Registration Best Practices Guide.

807: Website Issue

Unable to access or verify website authenticity.


Please provide a working website link that pertains to your business.

Ensure that:

  • The URL is correct and the site is accessible.
  • The website content matches your brand and use case.
  • Any necessary information (e.g., opt-in details, privacy policy) is available on the site.

808: Too Many Attempts

Your use case has been declined 5 or more times.


You have reached the maximum number of resubmissions without sufficient updates.

Each denial incurs a fee. Please contact your account manager for further assistance.

809: Privacy Policy Required

A compliant privacy policy must be provided if not available on your website.


Since your opt-in method is not via a website, you need to attach a compliant privacy policy to your registration.

  • Attach the privacy policy directly to your registration in The Campaign Registry.
  • Alternatively, email it to your account manager.

Ensure your privacy policy includes:

  • How you collect, use, and protect user data.
  • Information on data sharing practices.
  • User rights regarding their personal information.